Calendar of Events
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Nevada Republican Club Meeting (Southern Nevada)
Nevada Republican Club Meeting (Southern Nevada)
The club hosts monthly luncheons the first Tuesday of each month at Ahern Hotel and Convention Center in Las Vegas. The luncheon doors open at 11:00am with business networking until noon. Each luncheon features a guest speaker who shares information with attendees about conservative government and business issues. The President introduces all attending Republican elected […]
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Douglas County Republican Women Regular Meeting
Douglas County Republican Women Regular Meeting
Douglas County Republican Women Meet at the Valley Christian Fellowship, 1681 Lucerne St., Minden, Nevada, every first Wednesday. Doors open at 11:00am with a $20 fee. Reservation required by contacting Elinor at (415)-985-5432 or send an RSVP email  [email protected], no less than 5 days prior to the meeting date.
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Incline Village-Crystal Bay Republican Women
Incline Village-Crystal Bay Republican Women
RSVP [email protected], (650) 255-1435, or purchase tickets on our website: Facebook Page
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Sierra Nevada Republican Women Luncheon
Sierra Nevada Republican Women Luncheon
COD Casino, 1593 Esmeralda Av, Minden, NV 89423 Our meetings are the 2nd Wednesday of each month, except March when we host our fundraising St. Patrick Dinner and September when we have our annual 9-11 dinner. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. Entrance fee $5 (includes beverages) Bring you own lunch. For more information or to […]
Mesquite Republican Women Meeting
Mesquite Republican Women Meeting
Get Involved - Support Mesquite Republican Women All Republican Women & Men Can Make a Difference Get in touch with Mesquite Nevada Republican Women and join our community in making a lasting impact. Join us at our General Membership meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. See the schedule of meetings and events under […]
Las Vegas Conservative Townhall Group
Las Vegas Conservative Townhall Group
— Dinner Meeting — Location:  Ahern Hotel, 300 W. Sahara Blvd. (west of Las Vegas Blvd.) Doors open at 6:00PM Meeting Starts Promptly at 7:00PM (Concludes by 8:30PM) Prepayment Is Encouraged: $45 via Zelle: [email protected] or other agreed upon method Those interested in attending MUST RSVP Cost $50 per person at the door - Exact […]
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Boulder City Republican Women Monthly Meeting
Boulder City Republican Women Monthly Meeting
Reservations are required. Home Sign Up to be a Member Text the word: BCREPUBLICANWOMEN To: 72727
Log Cabin Republicans of Nevada
Log Cabin Republicans of Nevada
Thirst Third Thursday The Phoenix Bar & Lounge 4213 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas, NV 89102
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Douglas County Lincoln Day Event
Douglas County Lincoln Day Event
Lincoln Reagan Dinner presented by Douglas Co. Republican Central Committee featuring Speaker Michael Ivanov! Michael is a game-changing speaker and Best Selling author who has impacted thousands of people with his message of resilience. Michael motivates audiences to take personal responsibility for their lives, reconnect to their purpose, and cultivate success in every aspect of […]
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Republican Men’s Club of Northern Nevada
Republican Men’s Club of Northern Nevada
RMC Monthly Luncheon at the Atlantis Doors Open at 11:00 RSVP HERE WITHOUT RESERVATIONS TICKETS ARE $30 AT THE DOOR
Fernley Republican Women Meeting
Fernley Republican Women Meeting
PLEASE RSVP TO VIDA KELLER AT [email protected] IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND SO THAT ENOUGH FOOD IS AVAILABLE. Our next Fernley Republican Women meeting will take place Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at the Fernley Senior Center, 105 Lois Lane. A light dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. with the meeting starting promptly at 6:30 […]
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Washoe Republican Women Meeting
Washoe Republican Women Meeting
Home (website) Monthly Meeting Information Newsletter Join
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Carson City Republican Central Committee Meeting
Carson City Republican Central Committee Meeting
Open to the public / No charge Join us & get involved in your community Home Upcoming Events