NV Leg Update 3/22/21

Good morning,
If you have been following my updates since the start of the legislative session you may remember that we anticipated Democrats would try and make the provisions of AB 4 (ballot harvesting and universal mail voting) permanent for all elections. Well unfortunately, this did in fact come to fruition. Last week, Speaker Frierson introduced AB 321 which would codify bad bill AB 4 from the special session.
So, what can we do to stop this? We MUST ALL call and email every legislator telling them to vote no. Tell your neighbor, tell your coworkers, and tell your church group. The ONLY WAY we can defeat this bill is from the grassroots. Democrats stole our election in 2020 due to fraudulent mail in voting, don’t let them steal your grandkids elections with AB 321.
You can view the bill here. More information on the bill can be found here.
Democrats passed AB 4 in the middle of the night during the special session. Now, Democrats don’t need to use the cover of night to pass bad bills. The 81st session has been remote only, locking the people out of the People’s House, and with rampant technical issues, Democrats now can pass bad bills whenever they want. DO NOT let Democrats steal your voice! Let the Democrat Leadership know that Nevadan’s want the Legislature open!
Speaker Jason Frierson:
Office: (775) 684-8537
Senate Majority Leader Nicole Cannizzaro:
Office: (775) 684-1475
The Good
This week several great Republican bills were introduced to the legislature.
AB 263 – Requiring county and city clerks to audit the performance of persons who check voter signatures on absentee ballots, mailing ballots or mail ballots; setting forth certain requirements for signature verification devices. Read the bill here.
AB 328 – Authorizing a funeral director to notify the county clerk of the death of a person; requiring a county clerk to cancel the pre-registration or registration to vote for a person when notified by a funeral director that the person has died. Read the bill here.
AB 297 – Providing that a registrar of voters is an elected office. Provides that if a board of county commissioners has created the office of registrar of voters before January 1, 2022, a person who is a registrar of voters on January 1, 2022, may continue to serve in that office until the general election held in November 2022. In each county having a population of 100,000 or more, the board of county commissioners may create the office of registrar of voters, as an elected office and prescribe the qualifications, duties, and compensation of that office. The registrar of voters shall be elected by the qualified electors of the county, beginning at the general election immediately following the creation of the office of registrar of voters. The term of office of a registrar of voters is 4 years and begins on the first Monday in January following the general election.
Read the bill here.
The Bad
SB 139 – force health insurance companies and Medicaid to cover “treatments” for people who wish to alter their voice and appearance to mimic the opposite sex or to present as “non-binary.” This includes experimental hormone therapies and surgeries on perfectly healthy body parts for Nevadans who suffer with “gender dysphoria” or “gender incongruence.” Read the bill here.
The Ugly
AB 286 – Prohibiting a person from possessing a firearm on a covered premises under certain circumstances; prohibiting a person from engaging in certain acts relating to unfinished frames or receivers under certain circumstances; prohibiting a person from engaging in certain acts relating to firearms which are not imprinted with a serial number under certain circumstances; revising provisions relating to the confiscation and disposal of dangerous weapons.
This bill looks to attack our 2nd amendment rights and would allow for government tracking of firearms (phase one of future gun confiscation), create a policy of three strikes and you lose your right to bear arms, prohibit people from manufacturing a gun without a serial number, and would make it illegal to carry a firearm in a public accommodation facility.
Read the bill here and call your legislator listed here.
Bills We Need Heard
Now more than ever we need to have AB 134 heard in committee. This bill proposed by Assemblyman Matthews, Dickman, Hafen, Wheeler, Titus, and Senator Buck is a clean repeal of the provisions of AB 4. Mail voting is already banned in numerous countries, we cannot allow Democrats to declare an “emergency” every election in order to prompt the provisions of AB 4. Read the bill here.
Who To Contact:
Miller, Brittney (AD-5) – Chair
(775) 684-8844
Frierson, Jason Speaker (AD-8) – Vice Chair
(775) 684-8537
As always, to get legislative alerts and stay up to date on hearings like these, sign up for our legislative alerts here.
Please forward this email to your fellow Nevada Republicans. It is crucial we keep people updated on what is going on in Carson City this legislative session if we are going to ensure Republican voices are heard.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. Email me at alex.watson@nevadagop.org, or call me at (714) 887-9698.
Thanks for all you do,
Alex Watson
Legislative Affairs Director, Nevada Republican Party
You can follow the chambers floor sessions via the Youtube links below:
To view a daily schedule of events and watch meetings live, visit https://www.leg.state.nv.us/App/Calendar/A/