Urgent Action Request from NV Leg- No to permanent mail voting!

Speaker Frierson plans to introduce a bill soon that would make the provisions of AB4 permanent. AB4 was the legislation passed in the middle of the night just 90 days before the 2020 election allowing the Governor to exploit the pandemic and enable fraud by eliminating election safeguards, and now Democrats want to make this terrible bill permanent. Here’s what Frierson has to say about his legislation:
“In 2020, Nevada showed the country we are still a critical battleground state and Democrats showed we are willing to fight for every voter to be heard. We made historic gains in the fight against voter suppression during our 2019 session and during our Special Session last August. Now, we prepare to do it all over again. That is why, as we are just days into a new legislative session, I am sponsoring a bill to make expanded vote by mail permanent. We will continue to make “good trouble” here in Nevada by ensuring all eligible Nevadans have many safe, convenient and secure options to cast their ballot.” You can read more in an article he penned here.
We must not have ALL MAIL VOTING in Nevada!
Don’t be fooled. This is not a bill to ensure voting is more accessible for Nevadans! This bill would ensure that voting irregularities, ballot harvesting, and all the issues we saw in the 2020 elections would continue in favor of Democrat candidates. All mail voting is a waste of state funds and cannot be properly conducted in a state like Nevada until there is meaningful election reform and voter roll maintenance.
Mailing ballots to all registered voters, including tens of thousands with known bad addresses, was deliberately done in 2020. There was no meaningful or significant checking of the ballots which created a penalty free environment for fraud, just as the Democrats intended when they passed AB4 to begin with. Don’t let Speaker Frierson get away with enabling even more voter fraud with his “good trouble”.
We need you to call and email the legislators below every day and demand that we not have all mail voting in Nevada!
Speaker Jason Frierson:
Office- (775) 684-8637
Majority Floor Leader Teresa Benitez- Thompson:
Office- (775) 684-8845
Legislative Operations and Elections Committee Chair Brittany Miller:
Office-(775) 684-8844
Legislative Operations and Elections Committee Vice Chair Sandra Jauregui:
Office- (775) 684-8821