Sign Up for the 2024 Presidential Caucus!

We look forward to hosting the First In The West Caucus on Thursday, February 8, 2024. The Caucus will occur at 5 PM, and be hosted in meetings assigned by precinct location statewide.
You must be a registered Republican to participate, and government-issued ID is required in order to verify your identity. A caucus is the best way for voters to play an essential role in electing our next President of the United States. Our caucus has many of the common-sense election reforms supported by Governor Lombardo.

Information for Voters
Precinct locations will be published no later than November 30, 2023. If you need to update your voter registration, visit to verify or update your voter registration. Please note – a caucus only has absentee ballots for active duty military members and their dependents. All voting takes place in person on February 8, 2024.

Information for Candidates
The filing window for Presidential candidates will take place September 1, 2023 through October 15, 2023. Additional information on ballot access fees is only released to official campaign representatives. Please reach out to Alex Watson at for additional details if you have not yet received your candidate packet.