President Trump Is Fulfilling His Promise To End Endless Wars

This Saturday, The Trump Administration Signed An Agreement In Afghanistan That Paves The Way For Peace In The Country And Ending America’s Involvement In The Conflict

From RNC Research

The Facts:
  • During his campaign for President, then-candidate Donald Trump promised to end America’s involvement in “endless wars.”
  • This Saturday , the Trump Administration signed a preliminary peace agreement with the Taliban that sets the stage to end “America’s longest war.”
  • Under the agreement , the U.S. will withdraw nearly 5,000 troops from the country in 135 days in exchange for a Taliban agreement to not allow Afghanistan to be used for transnational terrorism.
    • Time Magazine reported that other components of the agreement included an agreement that U.S. counterterrorism forces stay in the country, permissions for the CIA to operate in Taliban-held areas and details of how the Taliban’s promises to reduce violence will be monitored and verified.
  • The deal has been called the ” best chance to end this conflict ,” a ” decisive move ” towards peace, and ” the best path ” for the united states.
  • The war in Afghanistan is the longest in U.S. history, a conflict that has killed more than 3,500 U.S. and NATO troops and cost U.S. taxpayers nearly 900 billion dollars.



This Saturday, The Trump Administration Signed An Agreement In Afghanistan That Paves The Way For Peace In The Country And Ending America’s Involvement In The Conflict

In 2016, On The Campaign Trail, Then-Candidate Donald Trump Promised To End America’s Endless Wars. CANDIDATE DONALD TRUMP: “In this future, we are also going to keep our country out of the endless wars that have defined Hillary Clinton’s career.” ( NPR , 09/15/16)

This Saturday, The United States Signed An Agreement With The Taliban In Afghanistan That Sets The Stage To “End America’s Longest War.” “The United States signed a deal with the Taliban on Saturday that sets the stage to end America’s longest war – the nearly two-decade-old conflict in Afghanistan that began after the Sept. 11 attacks, killed tens of thousands of people, vexed three White House administrations and left mistrust and uncertainty on all sides.” ( The New York Times , 02/29/20)

Under The Pact, The U.S. Has Agreed To Reduce Its Forces To 8,600 From 13,000 In The Next Three To Four Months With A Complete Withdrawal Of U.S. Forces In 14 Months. ” Under the pact, the U.S. would reduce its forces to 8,600 from 13,000 in the next three to four months. Remaining U.S. forces would withdraw in 14 months, although a complete pullout would depend on the Taliban meeting commitments to prevent terrorism.” ( NBC News , 02/29/20)

Time Magazine Reported That Other Components Of The Agreement Included An Agreement That U.S. Counterterrorism Forces Stay In The Country, Permissions For The CIA To Operate In Taliban-Held Areas And Details Of How The Taliban’s Promises To Reduce Violence Will Be Monitored And Verified. “Time magazine also reported that a draft of the agreement contained four ‘secret annexes.’ They include an agreement that U.S. counterterrorism forces could stay in the country (while the Taliban states publicly they are all leaving), permissions for the CIA to operate in Taliban-held areas, and details of how the Taliban’s promises to reduce violence will be monitored and verified.” ( The Washington Post , 02/18/20)

The Deal Has Been Called The “Best Chance To End This Conflict,” A “Decisive Move” Towards Peace, And “The Best Path” For The United States

Defense Secretary Mark Esper Called The Preliminary Deal “The Best Chance We Have Ever Had To End This Conflict, To Ensure Afghanistan Never Again Becomes A Safe Haven For Terrorists Who Want To Attack America, And To Bring Our Troops Home.” ” Thanks to President Trump’s leadership, it is the best chance we have ever had to end this conflict, to ensure Afghanistan never again becomes a safe haven for terrorists who want to attack America, and to bring our troops home.” ( The Washington Post , 03/02/20)

  • The Secretary Called The Deal A “Road Map To Peace, Security And Stability.” “We are now in the early days of such an opportunity. On Saturday, we achieved a promising milestone to bring the war in Afghanistan to a responsible end with the signing of an agreement between the United States and the Taliban. It is a road map to peace, security and stability that, while fraught with many imperfections and uncertainties, is supported by the Afghan government and our NATO allies.” ( The Washington Post , 03/02/20)

U.S. Combat Veteran Cory Mills Called The Deal A “Decisive Move Towards A Negotiated Peace Plan In Afghanistan.” “President Donald Trump has demonstrated yet again his art of negotiation as the United States, Taliban, and Afghan government execute a joint declaration to solidify a reduction of violence agreement with the Taliban. Following a successful seven day violence-free test period, the U.S. has made a decisive move towards a negotiated peace plan in Afghanistan.” ( Fox News , 03/02/20)

President Of Security Studies Group And Former US Army Special Forces Jim Hanson Called The Deal “The Best Path” For The United States And Said It Begins The Disentanglement Process. “This initial agreement begins the disentanglement process and that seems the best path for us. We can always return to military action if an actual rather than potential danger emerges.” ( Fox News , 03/02/20)

Afghanistan Is The Longest War In U.S. History That Has Lasted Over 18 Years And Cost Taxpayers Nearly $900 Billion

Afghanistan Is The Longest War In U.S. History, A Conflict That Has Killed More Than 3,500 U.S. And NATO Troops, Cost U.S. Taxpayers Nearly $900 Billion And Left Thousands Of Afghans Dead And Millions Displaced. “If he fails, the U.S. will remain mired in the longest war in American history, a conflict that has killed more than 3,500 U.S. and NATO troops, cost U.S. taxpayers nearly $900 billion, and left thousands of Afghans dead and millions more displaced.” ( Time , 02/15/20)

On October 7, 2001, U.S. Forces Invaded Afghanistan In Response To September 11, 2001 Marking The Beginning Of Operation Enduring Freedom To Combat Al-Qaeda And Its Taliban Supporters. “On October 7, 2001, U.S. forces invaded Afghanistan in response to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States. This marked the beginning of Operation Enduring Freedom to combat al-Qaeda and its Taliban supporters. The U.S., in alliance with the United Kingdom and the anti-Taliban Afghan Northern Alliance forces, ousted the Taliban from power in December 2001. Most Taliban and al-Qaeda leaders fled across the border into Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas, where they regrouped and started an insurgency in Afghanistan in 2003.” ( The Heritage Foundation , 02/19/20)

In 2003, NATO Joined The War In Afghanistan And At The Height Of The War In 2011 There Were 50 Troop Contribution Nations And 150,000 NATO And U.S. Forces On The Ground In Afghanistan. “At the height of the war in 2011, there were 50 troop-contributing nations and nearly 150,000 NATO and U.S. forces on the ground in Afghanistan.” ( The Heritage Foundation , 02/19/20)

In December 2014, NATO Formally Ended Combat Operations And Relinquished Responsibility To The Afghan Security Forces Which Number Around 352,000. “On December 28, 2014, NATO formally ended combat operations and relinquished responsibility to the Afghan security forces, which numbered around 352,000 (including army and police.” ( The Heritage Foundation , 02/19/20)

The U.S. Currently Has Around 14,000 Troops In Afghanistan Split Between 5,500 For The U.S.-Led Operation Freedom Sentinel Counterterrorism Mission And The NATO Led Resolute Support Mission; Total Troop Presence Is Approximately 17,000. “According to the most recent available public information, the U.S. currently has around 14,000 troops in Afghanistan, split between the roughly 5,500 for the U.S.-led Operation Freedom Sentinel counterterrorism mission and slightly less than 8,500 for the NATO-led Resolute Support training mission. The latter also includes another approximately 8,500 troops from various NATO countries, bringing the total U.S. and NATO troop presence in Afghanistan to approximately 17,000.” ( The Heritage Foundation , 02/19/20)


In October 2019, President Trump Announced The United States Had Successfully Eliminated Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, The Notorious Terrorist And Rapist Who Led The Terrorist Group The Islamic State (ISIS)

In October 2019, President Trump Announced That The United States Had Eliminated The World’s Number One Terrorist Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Last night, the United States brought the world’s number one terrorist leader to justice. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead. He was the founder and leader of ISIS, the most ruthless and violent terror organization anywhere in the world.” ( The White House , 10/27/19)

  • President Trump Announced U.S. Special Operations Forces Had Accomplished This Mission Without Loss Of U.S. Personnel. “The United States has been searching for Baghdadi for many years. Capturing or killing Baghdadi has been the top national security priority of my administration. U.S. Special Operations Forces executed a dangerous and daring nighttime raid in northwestern Syria and accomplished their mission in grand style. The U.S. personnel were incredible. I got to watch much of it. No personnel were lost in the operation, while a large number of Baghdadi’s fighters and companions were killed with him.” ( The White House , 10/27/19)

Baghdadi Was Notorious For His Extreme Brutality Including Carrying Out Mass Crucifixions, Turning Female Captives Into Sex Slaves And Executing Prisoners By Stoning, Hacking, Or Burning Them Alive. “Baghdadi also embraced a kind of extreme brutality that would become the group’s trademark. While his predecessors gained notoriety with videotaped beheadings and bombings of school playgrounds, Mr. Baghdadi reveled in ghoulish displays of violence, often as the subject of elaborately produced videos. His followers carried out mass crucifixions, turned female captives into sex slaves and gleefully executed prisoners by stoning, hacking or burning them alive – always with Mr. Baghdadi’s implicit blessing.” ( The Washington Post , 10/27/19)

Baghdadi Followers Were Responsible For Thousands Of Deaths Around The World Including In California, Germany, France And Sri Lanka . “In this fashion, ISIS was responsible for the deaths of thousands of people around the world. A shooting at an office party in San Bernardino, Calif. An attack on a Christmas market in Germany. A truck attack in Nice, France, on Bastille Day. Suicide bombings at churches on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka. In many instances, the attackers left behind recordings, social media posts or videos pledging allegiance to al-Baghdadi.” ( The New York Times , 10/28/19)

On March 23, 2019, President Trump Formally Announced The United States And Its Coalition Partners Had Liberated All ISIS-Controlled Territory

On March 23, 2019, The White House Announced That The United States, Along With Our Global Coalition To Defeat ISIS Partners, Including The Iraqi Security Forces And The Syrian Democratic Forces, Had Liberated All ISIS-Controlled Territory In Iraq And Syria. TRUMP: “I am pleased to announce that, together with our partners in the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, including the Iraqi Security Forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces, the United States has liberated all ISIS-controlled territory in Syria and Iraq-100 Percent of the ‘caliphate.'” ( The White House , 03/23/19)

On The Campaign Trail, Candidate Donald Trump Promised That If He Was Elected President ISIS Would “Be Gone, ” “And They’ll Be Gone Quickly.” REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE DONALD TRUMP: “But they’re going to be gone. ISIS will be gone if I’m elected president. And they’ll be gone quickly. They will be gone very, very quickly.” (Donald Trump, Remarks At The Center For The National Interest , Washington, D.C., 4/27/16)

Upon Entering Office, President Trump Issued An Executive Order Requesting A Pentagon Led-Review On How ISIS Could Be Defeated. “(ii) Within 30 days, a preliminary draft of the Plan to defeat ISIS shall be submitted to the President by the Secretary of Defense. (iii) The Plan shall include: (A) a comprehensive strategy and plans for the defeat of ISIS.” (Press Release, The White House , 01/28/17)

Following The Department Of Defense ISIS Review, President Trump Directed The Military To Pursue Accelerated Operations Against ISIS. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE JIM MATTIS: “President Trump directed the Department of Defense to lead all departments in a comprehensive review of the campaign. We submitted that report and after his review, he then ordered an accelerated operation against ISIS.” ( U.S. Department Of Defense , 05/19/17)

The President Delegated Authority To The Military Aggressively And In A Timely Manner Move Against Enemy Vulnerabilities. “First, he delegated authority to the right level to aggressively and in a timely manner move against enemy vulnerabilities.” ( U.S. Department Of Defense , 05/19/17)

President Trump Directed A Tactical Shift From Beating ISIS In An Attrition Fight To Surrounding ISIS In Its Strongholds In Order To “Annihilate ISIS.” “Secondly, he directed a tactical shift from shoving ISIS out of safe locations in an attrition fight to surrounding the enemy in their strongholds so we can annihilate ISIS. The intent is to prevent the return home of escaped foreign fighters.” ( U.S. Department Of Defense , 05/19/17)

Additionally, President Trump Gave More Latitude To American Commanders And Loosened The Reigns On U.S. Generals And Allowed them To Work More Closely With Iraqi Partners On The Ground. “U.S. military advisors are now fighting alongside Iraqi forces near the front lines against Islamic State, a sign of President Trump’s willingness to grant more latitude to American commanders than they’ve had since Iraq’s ground war against the militants was launched more than two years ago. The Trump administration has not yet granted new authorities, but has loosened the reins for U.S. generals running the war, allowing hundreds of U.S. troops to join advancing Iraqi forces as they embark on their most complex mission to date: liberating Mosul, their second largest city.” The Los Angeles Times , 02/20/17)