Out of State Voters

Is there a large financial incentive to claim Nevada residency? Just ask a Californian about how much they paid to Governor Newsom in 2020.

In Nevada, we found 19,218 non-military, non-student voters who have an out-of-state mailing address but claim Nevada residency. We lined up the voter lists from all counties against publicly available USPS records on permanent change of addresses to other states. Out of the 19,218 voters, 15,164 voted by mail. Our county clerks and registrars weren’t proactive about verifying that non-military, non-student citizens out of state are actual residents, and, as a result, have disenfranchised THOUSANDS of legal Nevada residents.  

Here is an example of a report our teams received:

“Last night Biden-Harris representatives knocked on my door looking for a “B. Good” and saying that there is a problem with his ballot. Mr. Good is the former resident at my rental house and moved to Sacramento in May. My Vote, per Ballottrax, was counted and my information and address was updated when I moved in to this residence after him.  I am the only resident that has lived here since May.” 

We confirmed that Mr. Good did submit a ballot on 10/21/20 and it was counted.

See for yourself at: https://www.washoecounty.us/voters/elections/20_gen_ab_ev_reports.php

Citizenship in Nevada is regulated by law.  Being a Nevada citizen is a privilege, and our election officials have a legal responsibility to ensure only those who are actual residents cast their votes. 2020’s disaster of an election represents dereliction of duty by Clark County Registrar Joe Gloria and the Nevada Secretary of State. 

Read our data breakdown here.

How do we have “Out of State Voters?” This is a product of voter rolls not being cleaned and issues with National Change Of Address. If Nevada election officials like Joe Gloria cannot verify who voted out of state and therefore can not be allowed to vote in Nevada at the same time, then the election officials will continue their practice of partisan, weaponized disenfranchisement of law abiding Nevadans. 19,218 Nevada voters with a non-Nevada mailing address voted in this election.  That in itself is half the amount the President lost by. Law enforcement leadership has made these crimes somehow political and refuse to investigate.  Courts have followed suit and have ignored this issue.  Your Nevada Republican Party will not turn a blind eye to these election issues. How much of this corruption and fraud in our elections is tolerable? The Nevada Republican Party says, ‘NONE!’ Your Nevada Republican Party will not turn a blind eye to these election issues.