NV Leg Urgent Action Request- Oppose SB 452

Committee – Senate Judiciary
This bill has not been scheduled yet for a committee hearing.

Democrats are back to their same old tricks!

Introduced as an emergency request from Senator Majority Leader Cannizzaro, SB 452 reintroduces the CCW restrictions from bad bill AB 286 that were amended out earlier this session. This is classic Democrat trickery – we the people testified about why these provisions were bad, and they agreed to amend them out of the original bill, but now with just a couple of weeks left in the session they’re trying to sneak them back through, hoping nobody will notice. This bill is a direct attack on our 2nd Amendment rights and violates Nevada Constitution Article 1 Section 11: “Right to keep and bear arms; civil power supreme. 1. Every citizen has the right to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes. 2. The military shall be subordinate to the civil power; No standing army shall be maintained by this State in time of peace, and in time of War, no appropriation for a standing army shall be for a longer time than two years.”
SB 452 – Prohibits the possession of a firearm on a covered premises in certain circumstances.
Explanation of SB 452-
This bill essentially negates the Right to Carry a Concealed Weapon (permit) and to open carry a weapon in almost every public space. Currently, you are not permitted to carry in a school, child care facility, on premises of the System of Higher Education, or in a public building that has a metal detector. NRS202.3673.
This bill defines “Covered Premises” where you can no longer carry concealed without specific written permission including: a club venue, golf course, a casino, a theater, a church, hotel/motel, shopping mall, stadium, arena, concert hall, showroom, anywhere with live entertainment, a sporting event (rodeo, ball game, fireworks event, state or county fair, horse or car racing, etc.). In other words, this bill makes it illegal to carry almost everywhere.
Stakeholders brought concerns that this bill would hurt the firearm industry that often uses the Las Vegas area for gun shows (such as SHOT Show). Not only would this bill hurt firearm owners, but will also waste taxpayer dollars in order to enforce if passed.
If passed:
“The first offense is a misdemeanor, for the second offense a gross misdemeanor, and for the third or any subsequent offense, a category E felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130.”
Link to the bill – SB452 Text (state.nv.us)
Link to submit an opinion- https://www.leg.state.nv.us/App/Opinions/81st2021/
We need you to call and email the following Senators and tell them you oppose SB 452 and support your Second Amendment Rights!
CONTACT Senate Judiciary Committee:
Chair Melanie Scheible 775-684-1421
Vice Chair Nicole Cannizzaro 775-684-1475
James Ohrenschall 775-684-6503
Dallas Harris 775-684-6502
James Settelmeyer 775-684-1470
Ira Hansen 775-684-1480
Keith Pickard 775-684-1481
Email Committee:

[email protected][email protected],

[email protected][email protected],

[email protected][email protected], [email protected]