NV Leg Urgent Action alert: Oppose SB 420

Date: Tuesday, May 11th, 2021
Time: 3:30 PM
Committee: Senate Health & Human Services
Note: This is a working session and as such public comment will not be heard. We need you to call the legislators listed below and urge them to vote NO!
SB 420 – establishment of a public health benefit plan; prescribing certain goals and requirements relating to the plan; requiring certain health carriers to participate in a competitive bidding process to administer the plan; requiring certain providers of healthcare to participate in the plan; exempting rules and policies governing the plan from certain requirements; requiring certain persons to report the abuse and neglect of older persons, vulnerable persons and children; requiring the State Plan for Medicaid to include certain coverage relating to pregnant women; requiring the establishment of a statewide Medicaid managed care program
Explanation of SB 420
In 2010 the Federal Government passed the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) which did absolutely nothing to make healthcare more affordable. Now in 2021, Democrats in the Legislature have introduced SB 420, sponsored by Democrat Senate Majority Leader Nicole Cannizzaro. This bill creates a government-run public option in the state of Nevada which will cost Nevadans millions of dollars and like Obamacare, have absolutely no decrease in actual healthcare costs. SB 420 would cost Nevada taxpayers over 77 million dollars as estimates show the “public option” will only continue to increase in cost as years pass, upwards of 200 million dollars.
Government-run healthcare has created problems every time it has tried to be implemented. Democrats in the Legislature know that this is a terrible bill that will financially cripple our state’s funds. Yet, they still are trying to rush through the same anti-free market and anti-healthcare policies that failed in 2010 and actually lead to the same faulty healthcare outcomes for people all over the country.
Nearly every insurance company, city chamber of commerce, and healthcare provider in the state of Nevada is against this bill. It’s time for Democrats to listen to the experts of the industry and put an end to government-run healthcare.
Email to submit written testimony – [email protected]
Call and Email the following Committee Members:
Rattie, Julia (D-13) – (775) 684-1433
Spearman, Pat (D-1) – (775) 684-1424
Harris, Dallas (D-11) – (775) 684-6502
Hardy, Joseph (D-12) – (775) 684-1462
Kieckhefer, Ben (D-16) – (775) 684-1450