NV Leg BAD BILL Votes 5/17/21

Time: 11:30 AM
Date: Monday, 5/17/2021
This is a Senate Floor Vote

AJR 3 –  Urging various actions relating to the protection and conservation of land and water

Explanation of AJR 3
A resolution promoting disastrous remedies for the debunked theory of “global warming”. This bill proposes to lock up 30% of Nevada’s land and 30% of Nevada’s water by 2030. The end goal is to lock up 50% of our land and water asking Biden and the Congress to support a long term goal of “protecting” locking up 50% of the lands and inland waters of the United States.
The sponsors of this bill are uninformed about the realities of the land and water in Nevada. The Federal Government “controls” 87% of our Nevada lands and they have mismanaged it resulting in destructive wildfires and the loss of agricultural enterprises in ranching and farming, and harmed innumerable wildlife by destroying their natural habitat. What this resolution does not acknowledge is that there are many current inheritable Property Rights on that land controlled by the Feds. These include grazing rights and mineral rights on “land controlled by the Feds”. In addition, almost all the water in Nevada already has legal water rights attached and there is no water for this outlandish Resolution to lock up. Unless they plan to Steal or Confiscate the property and water rights of those who legally own it in Nevada, the goals in this resolution are impossible.
This Resolution is to be transmitted to the President of the United States and the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives, others in the Federal Government, Governor Sisolak and the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. (Courtesy of Janine Hansen)

SB 292 – Requiring a ballot in the general election to have an option to vote a straight ticket for partisan races. Changes the process in which political parties select nominees to fill Congressional seat vacancies. Various other changes to nomination processes for elected office in the state of Nevada.

Explanation of the SB 292

SB 292 enables straight-ticket voting here in Nevada. Straight-ticket voting allows voters to choose a party’s ENTIRE slate of candidates with just a single ballot mark. It discourages voter engagement and informed voting. Informed voters help improve the election process and ensure that the best candidate is elected to represent the concerns they have, an aspect of elected office Democrats in the Legislature hate. 

This bill requires the State of Nevada to hold a special primary election in place of the internal party nominating process. That means two complete elections to fill a single vacancy. We don’t even know the expense of that, because the Secretary of State declined to give an estimate on a “vacancy which may or may not occur”. Accordingly, the fiscal notes for this bill are understated by millions of dollars.

The third troubling issue with this bill is that the power to fill legislative vacancies will in large part be transferred from counties to the state. Legislative vacancies are currently filled by county commissioners from a pool of applicants of the same party as the departed legislator, with applicants nominating themselves to the pool under a process established by the county. However, under this bill the county commissioners would no longer set the process for how people can self-nominate for a vacancy. Instead, the Majority or Minority leader of the legislature would provide a list of nominees that they want the county commissioners to choose from. This means that the filling of a vacancy would be directed by the State Legislature, not by the county commissioners of the counties that the legislator represents

Link to bill – https://www.leg.state.nv.us/App/NELIS/REL/81st2021/Bill/7895/Text

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