Battle Born Candidates
Stage Four: Battle Born
Requests from Campaign
Raise $50,000 for Assembly / Raise $100,000 for Senate
Develop a GOTV Plan
Successfully Host A Super Saturday
Incentives from State Party
Announcement of Completion of Battle Born Program
A Fundraising Appeal from NVGOP
In-Kind Messages on Behalf of your Campaign from the NVGOP
Contender Candidates
Stage Three: Contender
Requests from Campaign
Complete Voter Contact / Voter ID Plan
Hire Mail / Digital Vendors
Launch Website / Social Media
Complete Communications, Data, and Political Training Programs Hosted by NVGOP
Incentives from State Party
Announcement of “Contender” Status to Stakeholders
Send Biography and Contact Information to Stakeholders
Ability to Speak at Certain NVGOP Events Social Media Updates Regarding Your Campaign
On The Map Candidates
Stage Two: On The Map
Requests from Campaign
Create Realistic Finance Plan
Establish a Path to Victory Plan
Incentives from State Party
Announcement of Being “On The Map” to Stakeholders
Coming Soon!
There are no candidates currently in this stage, but sign up to keep informed!
Enrollee Candidates
Stage One: Enrollee
Requests from Campaign
Prepare All Paperwork for Campaign Filing
Provide Contact Information for Candidate and Staff
Sign Data Agreement w/ NVGOP
Successfully Complete NVGOP Candidate Questionnaire and Vulnerability Study
Incentives from State Party
Listed on State Party Website