NV Legislative Update 5/17/21

Last week the 2nd Committee Deadline passed. As usual, most of the Democrat Legislation made it through this deadline with little to no problem. This was expected and very similar to how Democrat Leadership acted during the first deadline where the majority of Republican Legislation died.
It’s not all bad news though. The Nevada Supreme Court ruled in favor of our GOP Senator’s lawsuit and declared that Democrats ignored the Nevada Constitution by passing tax increases without a 2/3rds majority vote in the 2019 session. If you would like to read more about Democrats’ clear breach of the Nevada Constitution you can find that here.
Nevada GOP Chairman Michael J. McDonald’s Statement:
With the Supreme Court ruling in our favor, there is now a huge hole in the state’s budget. Democrats may no longer be able to implement all the social justice programs that they originally sought to. So, what does this mean? It is a very real possibility that Democrat Leadership introduces emergency bills aimed at raising taxes to make up for their unconstitutional actions.
Republicans must hold the line! There are a handful of bills in the Assembly that requires a 2/3rds vote to pass. Our elected officials must not pass these bills until both AB 286, the gun-grabbing bill that is a direct attack on our second amendment rights and, AB 321, the bad election reform bill that would make the provisions of AB 4 permanent for all future elections. We may not have the majority in either house, but we do still hold the power to stop any tax increases and budget changes.
A new bad bill that was recently introduced is SB 420. Introduced by Senator Cannizzaro, SB 420 creates a government-run public insurance option in the state of Nevada which will cost Nevadans $77 Million in its first two years, and nearly $200 million in the following two years. According to the legislature’s own fiscal notes, the ongoing cost will be tens of millions of dollars every year after that. Like the Affordable Care Act, the vast majority of the expense in SB420 comes from expanding access to Medicaid, and the state is solely responsible to cover all of those expenses.
Government-run healthcare has created problems every time it’s been implemented. Non-profit insurance co-operatives were part of the original Affordable Care Act, and every single one of them failed within a few years. Democrats in the Legislature know that this is a terrible bill that will financially cripple our state. Yet, they are still trying to rush through the same anti-free market and anti-consumer ideas that failed in 2010 and actually led to consumers losing their plans and being forced to join the ranks of the uninsured.
SB 420 was rushed through the Senate Health & Human Services Committee and now requires a floor vote from the Senate at large. Please contact Senate Majority Leader Nicole Cannizzaro as well as Assembly Health & Human Services Chair Rochelle Nguyen and demand that this bill does not receive a vote. The precedent burden this would cause Nevadans is irresponsible and detrimental to our economy while still recovering from the Sisolak Shutdown.
If you would like to read more about SB 420 you can do that here.
Please contact these legislators to stop SB 420
Cannizzaro, Nicole J. (D-6) – (775) 684-1475
Nguyen, Rochelle T. (AD-10) – (775) 684-8555 [email protected]
Please forward this email to your fellow Nevada Republicans. It is crucial we keep people updated on what is going on in Carson City this legislative session if we are going to ensure Republican voices are heard.
As always, to get legislative alerts and stay up to date on hearings like these, sign up for our legislative alerts here.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. Email me at [email protected], or call me at (714) 887-9698.
Thanks for all you do,
Alex Watson
Legislative Affairs Director, Nevada Republican Party
You can follow the chambers floor sessions via the YouTube links below:
To view a daily schedule of events and watch meetings live, visit https://www.leg.state.nv.us/App/Calendar/A/